Curse or wowmatrix 2017
Curse or wowmatrix 2017

cast Portal: Silvermoon Portal: Undercity Portal: Thunder Bluff Portal: Orgrimmar This macro will cast Portal: Orgrimmar when clicked, Portal: Silvermoon when used in conjuction with the shift key, Portal: Undercity when used in conjunction with the alt key and Portal: Thunder Bluff when used in conjunction with the control key. This macro will cast Portal: Ironforge when clicked, Portal: Exodar when used in conjuction with the shift key, Portal: Stormwind when used in conjunction with the alt key and Portal: Darnassus when used in conjunction with the control key /cast Portal: Exodar Portal: Stormwind Portal: Darnassus Portal: Ironforge This macro will cast Mage Armor when clicked, Ice Armor when used in conjuction with the shift key and Molten Armor when used in conjunction with the alt key. cast Conjure Food Conjure Water Ritual of Refreshment This macro will allow you to eat and drink with one click, cast conjure food when used in conjuction with the control key, cast conjure water when used in conjuction with the shift key and cast Ritual of Refreshments when used in conjunction with the alt key.

curse or wowmatrix 2017 curse or wowmatrix 2017

castsequence reset=120 Conjure Mana Emerald, Conjure Mana Ruby, Conjure Mana Citrine, Conjure Mana Jade, Conjure Mana Agate This macro will conjure the correct mana gem when right-clicked, and uses a mana gem when left-clicked. This macro will cast breaks Ice Block and instantly Counterspell your opponent. This macro will cast Frost Ward when used in conjuction with the alt key or Fire Ward. castsequence reset=300 Ice Block, Cold Snap This macro will recast Ice Block by activating Cold Snap. This macro will cast Innervate on a friendly mouseover target, a friendly target or yourself. castrandom Polymorph, Polymorph(Rank 1: Pig), Polymorph(Rank 1: Turtle) This macro will cast random polymorph (pig, turtle or sheep) on your enemy. OPs question was answered.This macro will cast Remove Lesser Curse on a friendly mouseover target, a friendly target or yourself. We don't need another pointless discussion about it. It was no use explaining it then and I'm fairly certain that there are people who still don't get it. This is why we began locking all topics about it back then. None of them really cared that WoWMatrix was making profits at Curses expense. The funny thing was that all those who sided with WoWMatrix mainly did so because they didn't want to (be forced to) use the Curse Client. There were basically four parties: People who sided with Curse, people who sided with WoWMatrix (knowing what the program does), people who sided with WoWMatrix (not knowing what it does) and a lot of misinformed people. We've had this argument before when Curse first announced that they'd block WoWMatrix.

curse or wowmatrix 2017

The statement from Curse about it may have been somewhat inflammatory but can you really blame them for essentially protecting what is rightfully theirs? Imagine you're running a very big website with downloads that costs very much to maintain and now some guy provides people with a program that uses your stuff, makes money with it, doesn't give you credit for being the source of its downloads, etc. Making money off of it makes it even worse. Mind you, I'm probably not their target audience, since I never see adverts anyway, they're all blocked.If you're using bandwidth that doesn't belong to you and you don't pay for that counts as stealing. Is this 'stealing bandwidth' just 'downloading from' again? Curse came out looking pretty nasty from that whole argument, using inflammatory language an whining over advertising revenue instead of producing a better product.

Curse or wowmatrix 2017